Nature conservation contracting and wildlife habitat management services in South West England
We can offer you a diverse and bespoke range of services designed to maximise the wildlife potential of any given area of land.
Habitat Management
Unimproved limestone grassland restoration & management
- Scrub brushcutting/clearsawing, raking and burning
- Bracken and bramble control
- Wildflower plug planting
- Vertical, high level and difficult access scrub clearance
Wetland management
- Management of willow and alder encroachment
- Ditch and ditch edge management
- Reedbed management
- Willow pollarding
- Sensitive burning on raised platforms
Hedge management
- Hedge laying
- Hedge planting
- Hedge coppicing
Woodland management
- Hung-up /damaged tree removal
- Clear felling/crosscutting
- Rotational coppicing
- Selective thinning
- Removal of non-native tree species
- Tree planting
- Ride creation and management (including tractor-mounted flail)
Arboricultural works
- Tree surgery
- Section felling
- Crown reduction, thinning and lifting
- Dangerous limb removal
- Emergency call-out
Fencing and Public Rights of Way work
- Strained stock netting
- Post & rail
- Gate hanging/Stile erection
- Footpath maintenance
- Boardwalk installation
Wildlife Pond Construction
- Mechanical digging
- Hand digging
- Dipping platform construction
- Dew pond restoration
Weed Control
Control or eradication of bramble, bracken, stump re-growth and non-native invasive species including Japanese knotweed.
- Knapsack spraying
- Stump treatment
- 'Nomix' spraying
- Stem injection
- Dry-stone
- Lime mortar
Organic / Non-mechanical Management
- Axe felling
- Scything
Bushcraft Tuition
- Traditional fire lighting techniques including use of friction
- Wild food
- Shelter building
- Advanced open-fire cookery
- Tracking and trapping techniques
Ecological Advice
- Protected species mitigation such as:
- Installation of amphibian or reptile fencing
- Reptile translocations
- Bird / bat box erection
- Badger mitigation works / sett closures
- Wildlife garden design and planting
- Habitat management advice